More accusations set to fly between BMW and British government in Rover collapse inquiry


According to The Times Online, BMW is mulling accusing the British government of running 'political interference' amidst the continued butt-covering exercise that is the forensic investigation into MG/Rover's demise.

The move may come as part of the Trade and Industry Select Committee's inquiry, which has now turned its eyes on BMW's sale of Rover back in 2000. TISC's position to this point has been that BMW didn't adequately apprise the British government of its plan to unload the company to the Phoenix venture capitalists six years prior to the automaker's unraveling. BMW chairman Helmut Panke is rumored to be taking exception with this assessment, and appears ready to argue that British authorities are simply attempting to cover up their own malfeasance and/or stupidity in the debacle.

The investigation continues...


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