Jeep Wrangler launch threatened by supplier shutdown

The 2007 Jeep Wrangler was scheduled to begin walking down the assembly line aisle on February 27th (at least the pilot vehicles), but the new Wrangler’s date with destiny may have to wait until Chrysler figures out how to deal with the sudden bankruptcy of Haden Prism, LLC, one of the key suppliers to its new assembly plant in Toledo, OH where the Wrangler is supposed to be built.

The Car Connection reports that 60 of Haden Prism’s employees were turned away from its 200,000 square-foot facility on Friday after the company suddenly filed for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Haden is one of three suppliers who collectively put up $300 million towards the plant’s construction and the company was responsible for the paint shop.

Chrysler is reviewing its options and will most likely end up absorbing Haden’s stake in the plant or auctioning it off to the company whose bid was next in line. Tom LaSorda and friends better move quick, as those pilot versions of the Wrangler will be ready to go at the end of February whether the paint shop is or not.

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