MG Rover could awaken next week along with Austin Healey revival

For a dead automaker, MG Rover is proving surprisingly resilient. In fact, the British company could achieve reanimation as early as next week. GB Sports Car, a firm made up of former Rover managers have apparently secured the necessary capital from American backers to enter into a joint-venture with Nanjing Automobile, the Chinese concern that bought the automaker's assets.

With the deal in place, the way is clear for GB Sports Car to unshutter the company's plant in Birmingham and restart assembly of the MG TF and ZT. Additional models will likely be floated in from China.

Intriguingly, the deal reportedly also licenses the Austin Healey nameplate from the Chinese company, which will likely set the table for a revival of the storied marque.

In the meantime, an investigation into the automaker's collapse has been gathering steam, including a Department of Trade and Industry probe by the British Government.

[Source: Edmunds Inside Line]

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