Teaching mechanics to wrench on hybrids

Anyone who remembers the roll-out of electronic fuel injection two decades ago undoubtedly recalls the problems associated with a lack of properly-trained technicians. Similar problems could very well ruin the ability of hybrid technology to be accepted by mainstream consumers, and so Malcomb Community College (home of an already-impressive auto tech training program) is taking the plunge and becoming one of the first schools in the nation to train hybrid mechanics.

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[Related - Toyota doubling number of hybrid technicians] Obviously, instruction on high-voltage safety is part of the training curriculum, but one would expect this to be relatively straightforward; one would expect this to be quite similar to the challenges faced by electricians on a daily basis. I suspect that learning how to properly diagnose hybrid drive systems, however, will prove to be rather difficult. Indeed, the wrench-turning business is about to undergo yet another dramatic shift, and one can safely assume that those with the right talents will do well for themselves.

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