Design Sketches: the new Aston Martin DBS


Sleek, sexy and elegant are three words that describe what may be the newest star of the James Bond series -- and no, we're not talking about 007's newest female counterpart. Design sketches of the new Aston Martin DBS have been released (if the linked site is to be believed -- my Italian is a little rusty), and good gracious me, even the sketches make one salivate.

Thanks to Emiliano for the tip.

Possibly the newest stallion to come out of Q's stable, the DBS takes its cues from the DB9 but sports much more aggressive lines. The vehicle is so low to the ground that one hopes James will endure nothing but mirror-smooth pavement, but in all likelihood, Q will have already thought of that. We hope, too, that Q has more in store for the DBS than was present for the 1969 DBS in On Her Majesty's Secret Service -- the most exotic gadget available was a "sniper rifle" in the "glove box." It's likely that whatever vehicle ends up in the next Bond movie will make it to production -- sans Q's toys.

For those of you wondering, Casino Royale is the title of the next Bond movie, which stars Daniel Craig, better known as Alex West, from Tomb Raider.

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