What car is right for you?

You’re a shiny new B-school grad and discover you not only need to dress to impress but you need a car that shows you're a star.
Or you're the parent of a teen hankering for some smooth wheels and you really don’t want to give him or her the keys to your Toyota Avalon.

Or, finally, you landed that major account and need to celebrate beyond just dinner at the Ritz. A new car would do it, but what car do you choose?

Well, Business Week provides this little slide show (and explanation) to make things a little easier. The business magazine teamed up with J.D. Power & Associates to come up with its top picks for car-buying ‘teens, B-school grads, suburban moms, midcareer execs, and corporate titans.

Opinions? (And BW's picks were before the Detroit show. Sorry, the Honda Fit and Buick Lucerne aren't eligible.)

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