Ford Reflex is tip for "Small Is Big" theme

While the Ford Reflex (see here and here) has caused quite a stir at the North American International Auto Show currently showing in Detroit, Michigan, it is, apparently, just the tip of the iceberg for Ford Motor Company.

The design team for the concept is working closely with the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California for future vehicles where, again, “small is big”. The students participating can explore new shapes, surfaces, and materials; “challenging the norm” is strongly advocated. As can be seen in the pictures of this post, they have definitely succeeded.

But more on the Reflex (you can’t have less, can you?).

"Ford Reflex is an example of a small car that doesn’t feel small," says Freeman Thomas, director, North American Strategic Design. "It is a gorgeous sporty car that delivers guilt-free performance with a hybrid engine. And thanks to its innovative approach to the interior, it has space for growing families."

[Source: Ford]

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