U.S. version of Ariel Atom using Ecotecs

In an email sent out to prospective customers, Brammo Motorsports, the manufacturer and distributor of the Ariel Atom, has revealed juicy info about the U.S. version of its doorless, screenless, roofless wonder. The company has just finished testing the Yankee Atom in Arizona at General Motors’ proving grounds with a 2.0L, 245-hp Ecotec engine. GM engineers were on hand and reportedly mighty impressed by the little car’s trip to 60 that took only 2.8 seconds.

Orders are now being taken for the 2006 Ariel Atom in the U.S. and Brammo Motorsports has even got some incentives for motivation. If you purchase a 205-hp GM Ecotec for your Atom it will be upgraded to a 230-hp Ecotec for free. Likewise order a 230-hp Ecotec and you’ll get a 245-hp version for free. Also, there’s a $750 discount on all Honda engines, as well. We didn't go through the online order configurator so we can't tell you what final prices are like, but regardless we're guessing they're less than the tax you'd pay on an Enzo.

Hurry up and get the Camry on eBay as production slots for the 2006 Ariel Atom in the U.S. are supposedly filling up quickly.

[Thanks Peter for the tip]

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