Enhance your kayaking experience with this attachment that motorizes your water adventure. PacMotor is made out of 2 parts: the propellers and the battery. The attachment is attached on top of the kayak and can provide speeds of 6 mph with a run time of over 3 hours. PacMotor claims that the attachment can be operated in both salt and freshwater. PacMotor will cost $799, learn more at PacMotor.com

Transcript: Motorize your kayak. PacMotor is an attachable gadget. That converts your kayak into a motorized watercraft. The attachment is made of 2 parts. The motorized propellers, and the battery in a waterproof case. Simply attach to the top off the kayak, and operated with the waterproof remote. PacMotor weighs just 9 lbs and has a top speed of 6 mph with a run time of a little over 3 hours. PacMotor claims that this gadget can be operated in both salt and freshwater. The attachment costs $799



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