Britain coughing up £660,000 to Nanjing to help restart MG-Rover factory

From the "Who-didn't-see-this-coming" file comes word that British government officials have agreed to shell out some £660,000 ($1.16M USD) in grants to Nanjing Automobile in order to re-light the fires at MG-Rover's dormant Longbridge plant. The funds will come courtesy of the West Midlands Development Agency, as well as the Birmingham City Council, with the money earmarked for a waste treatment plant. Nanjing will match the cash infusion on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

In other news, the ongoing investigation into the automaker's collapse will result in a report detailing the financials of Phoenix Venture Holdings (the company in control of the marque when it went under), but interestingly, said findings won't include details of the months leading up to the carmaker's demise.

[Source: 4Car Channel 4 News]

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