Virginia offering you the chance to name your own rest stop?

The beautiful state of Virginia is reportedly looking to offset some of the $20 million it costs to operate and maintain its 42 rest stops, and perhaps you can help. NBC Washington reports that the state is selling the naming rights to each of the stops to help raise revenue needed to keep the facilities open.
Former Governor Tim Kaine apparently closed 19 of the facilities back in 2009 as a cost-cutting measure, but current Governor Bob McDonnell re-opened the structures eight months ago, promising to find other ways to raise the needed money. Also being discussed is the idea of using prison labor for maintenance. Somewhere, somehow Warden Norton is pleased.

Meanwhile, we're wondering whether "Autoblog: Obsessively Covering This Rest Stop" has a ring to it. Let us know what you'd name a Virginia rest area in Comments.

[Source: NBC Washington | Image: Virginia Department of Transportation]

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