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Trade in your old guzzler for cash in Canada

Not long ago we discussed used American guzzlers being shipped en masse to Mexico. In the comments that ensued many of you didn't really seem to have a problem with that despite the fact that pollution, not to mention CO2, knows no border and affects the lungs and lives of all of us. There are vested interests in Mexico who have been putting pressure on the government there to act but movement on this issue could best be described as glacial. Make that pre-global warming glacial.
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Not long ago we discussed used American guzzlers being shipped en masse to Mexico. In the comments that ensued many of you didn't really seem to have a problem with that despite the fact that pollution, not to mention CO2, knows no border and affects the lungs and lives of all of us. There are vested interests in Mexico who have been putting pressure on the government there to act but movement on this issue could best be described as glacial. Make that pre-global warming glacial.

Not so dilatory is the pace of change in Canada. There, according to an article on, the government is about to announce a program that will attempt to improve the speed with which your old, inefficient vehicle is removed from the roads by offering cash incentives. I said CASH INCENTIVES! The plan appears to unite and expand existing programs which already receive some federal funding. These "scrappage programs" received an e-mail recently from Environment Canada saying that, and I paraphrase, their pleas had not fallen on deaf ears and advising them of the upcoming change.

So how about a national program similar to this in the good ol' U.S.A.? We know Americans are keeping their cars longer. We also know that Detroit could really use some more business. I have a feeling that, if pressed, our current administration would mutter something about being in favor a of voluntary system. Of course, as with most voluntary actions this government is in favor of, that option already exists. Clearly more could be done.

So, since the government is unlikely to act, it's up to business and the citizenry to take matters into their own hands. Perhaps Detroit could take a page from Renault and offer up it's own recycling plan. There are solutions out there which could offer benefits to everyone. Sometimes it's just a matter of making the effort.

[Source: via]