15 Articles
Only 940 cars torched in France this New Year's Eve

French revelers and scammers torched 940 vehicles over New Year's Eve. That's down by either 12 percent or 21 percent from last year, depending on which numbers you go with: the French Interior Ministry said there were 1,193 blazing bolides last year, other outlets say the number was 'just' 1,067.

Beware Of New Year's Car Theft

The right precautions could help you start the new year off on the right foot

Heading out for New Year's Eve? Not only should drivers take care not to drive after too many tipples, they should take extra precautions against thieves. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NCIB) reports January 1 is the most common day for car thefts each year.

French continue New Year's arson tradition by torching 1,193 cars

Just because the French government stopped divulging the number of cars set on fire during New Year's Eve doesn't mean French youth have stopped enjoying the pastime. In 2009, the year before Nicolas Sarkozy took control of Elysées Palace, there were 1,147 cars burned on NYE. This year, the new government of François Hollande – a proponent of transparency in such matters – reports that there were 1,193 cars flambéed a few nights ago.

New Year's Day, not St. Patrick's, most deadly on US roads

Earlier this month, as part of its conclusions to an investigation into wrong-way driving crashes, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommend ignition interlocks for all those convicted of a DUI. That means every first-time offender couldn't start his car until he had satisfied the breathalyzer attached to his ignition. With the nation's deadliest hours for drunk driving approaching, New Year's Day, the American Automobile As

Travis Pastrana reportedly plans to jump from bridge to barge on New Year's Eve

In the same way that just about anything under Sir Richard Branson's "Virgin" umbrella has come to mean hip and edgy, things affixed with the "Red Bull" stamp are coming to mean "That's frickin' crazy!" Last year for New Year's Eve Robbie Maddison took his motorbike and leaped on to the 96-foot Arc de Triomphe replica in Las Vegas, then jumped the 96 feet back down to the ground.

French revelers take it easy, torch only 372 cars New Year's Eve

Automobile flambé is a familiar dish in France, where rioters, protesters and revelers seemingly use any occasion involving large congregations of people to torch whatever cars happen to be in the vicinity. Apparently, New Year's Eve is always good for a spike in car-burning incidents, but this year authorities were prepared. "Only" 372 cars were transformed into funeral pyres compared to last year when 397 rides met their makers. In some regions, the sale of fuel canisters was actually h