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Cisco Burger eco-restaurant opened by Sandra Bullock and that Monster Garage guy

Going out with a green technology car kind of limits your choice of destinations, at least if you want to reduce your impact all along the drive. If you’re out running errands in Long Beach, CA and get hungry, you might feel good about eating at the newPlanet Hollywood Cisco Burger. As Treehugger shows us, the restaurant opened Friday and is owned by Sandra Bullock and her gearhead husband Jesse James (of the Discovery Channel’s Monster Garage). Cisco Burger serves a fairly normal diner menu of burgers and burritos, but the food is organic and hormone-free. The restaurant is powered by solar panels.

Going out with a green technology car kind of
limits your choice of destinations, at least if you want to reduce your impact all along the drive. If you’re out
running errands in Long Beach, CA and get hungry, you might feel good about eating at the new Planet
Hollywood Cisco Burger. As Treehugger
shows us, the restaurant opened Friday and is owned by Sandra Bullock and her gearhead husband Jesse James (of the
Discovery Channel’s Monster Garage). Cisco Burger serves a fairly normal diner menu of burgers and burritos, but
the food is organic and hormone-free. The restaurant is powered by solar panels.

I think the best part of
the photo is the folks who biked to the grand opening. Good on ‘em.  Notice to vegetarians: this burger
joint does serve beefy burgers, and there’s no word on whether or not they’ve got veggie burgers.

[Source: Press Telegram via Treehugger, Photo by Stephen Carr / Press Telegram]