John McCain doesn't know how much gas costs

Considering all of the press that has been inked (or typed) regarding both John McCain's and Barrack Obama's various plans for the ailing automotive industry in America, you may think that the two hopeful presidential candidates would be in tune with the plight of the average driver who fills his or her tank. Or not. It seems that Republican John McCain is not aware of how much a gallon of gas costs. In fact, he says, "I don't recall, and frankly, I don't see how it matters." We have no intention of pushing any sort of political agenda, and this writer in particular is not attempting to back either politician with this writing, but the question begs to be asked: how in the world could somebody living in the United States not know how much gas costs today? Every time the news is turned on or the internet is fired up, citizens are bombarded with constant reminders that gas has crested the $4 a gallon mark. It must take a really busy man to be completely unaware of the price of gasoline these days.
Update: McCain apparently knew the price of gas when he gave a speech on June 18. See here.

[Source: Auto Observer]

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