Hey, big spender: China has trebled energy consumption since 1978

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has published an energy fact sheet about China that has some interesting highlights. First of all, China is the world's third-largest energy producer, but it's also the second-largest consumer. This is important because demand will continue to increase and will be reflected in energy prices and, surely, the price we pay for gas at the pump.

Nevertheless, 69 percent of China's energy needs come from coal and 71 percent of energy in China is used for industrial production. One interesting fact comes from the average and total CO2 levels in China. While the country is the world's second-largest CO2 producer, because of the country's large population, the average Chinese citizen only produces 3.88 tons of CO2 per year, below the global average.

The good news, relatively speaking, is that the Chinese government seems to be concerned about these figures. One new law in development should promote energy conservation and avoid waste to help the country become more energy-efficient and lower pollution emissions. Cleaner vehicles will play an important role in this shift.

[Source: RICS]

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