Philippines one step closer to one percent coconut biodiesel mandate goal

Vehicles in the Philippines use more than 7 billion liters of diesel fuel a year, and biofuels currently account for "an insignificant percentage" of that total. Two companies, International Fuel Technology and CIIF Oil Mills Group of the Philippines announced Thursday they plan to expand the use of coconut oil produced in the Philippines to make biodiesel. This would help meet the "Energy Independence Agenda" of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, which is shooting for 60 percent energy self-sufficiency by year 2010, and has mandated the use of one percent coconut-biodiesel in all government diesel-fueled vehicles, according to Renewable Energy Access.
Other countries in Asia are also looking at coconut oil as a source of fuel, as Bruno wrote about last month.

[Source: Renewable Energy Access]

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