Need a refresher on what, exactly, carbon is and how it affects us? Here it is

NPR science reporter Robert Krulwich is one of the best radio journalists working today (listen to any of his Radio Lab work). His stories are interesting, sound good, and deliver information in a way that's easy to digest but also worth chewing. His latest piece, out tonight on All Things Considered, tackles carbon, and it's the perfect way to understand the flow of these little atoms through the environment, from living things to fuel to exhaust and so on and so on.
Sometimes I like to link to stories like this because they put the cleaner cars we talk about the rest of the time in context. This item not only puts things into perspective, but there is a direct automotive connection when Krulwich gets to the part about fossil fuels and exhaust. Give it a listen (and there's a video available to). Oh, lucky day.

[Source: NPR]

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